sábado, 8 de junho de 2024




A congressional subcommittee hearing revealed a damning truth: Dr. Anthony Fauci and top officials promoted early Covid-19 guidance not backed by solid science.

Fauci admitted that key recommendations, like the 6-foot distance rule, were based on flimsy evidence.

"It sort of just appeared, not aware of any studies."

Critical data was withheld or dismissed as "crackpot nonsense."

Officials falsely insisted Covid-19 originated in a Wuhan wet market, ignoring lab safety concerns.

These missteps led to closing down the entire country, unnecessary closures of parks and beaches, forcing people into poorly ventilated spaces, and delaying school openings.

Millions were wasted on ineffective measures instead of proper air filtration systems.

The most severe impact is on public trust.

Fauci admitted, "there has not been definitive proof one way or the other" about Covid-19’s origins.

Such ambiguity fuels conspiracy theories and deepens skepticism.

If the government misled the public about Covid-19, why trust its guidance on vaccines or other health issues?

Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC)

“When people don’t trust scientists, they don’t trust the science.”

Fauci and his colleagues have destroyed this trust.

Trust, once lost, is nearly impossible to regain.

The dishonest messaging during the pandemic highlighted a dire need for transparency and accountability.

As we sift through the wreckage of Fauci’s policies, we're left with a profound mistrust in public health institutions.

The legacy of Fauci and his colleagues isn't the virus they fought but the trust they obliterated.

This catastrophic failure to maintain public confidence is something we must never forget.

Source: NYT, AP, Reuters

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