sábado, 8 de junho de 2024

 Viruses don't kill, including Gain-of-Function viruses, Measles, SARS-COV-2, MERS, nor Influenza.

It's the precipitating Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia infection which kills, especially when our US Government, thanks to President Barack Obama's 09/18/2014 Executive Order that became law on 11/29/2019 through the Federal Register, controls and restricts access to Antibiotics specifically for Community-Acquired-Pneumonia and Septic-related Infections for which Antibiotics cure the infections.

Remember 6% actual deaths from "COVID-19?"

With a survival rate of 95-99%?

And the Seasonal Influenza disappeared for 3 years?  

Connect the dots.  It's far easier for the US government to control and restrict access to the lifesaving Antibiotics that the 1917-1918 Pandemic didn't have at the time to treat and cure the Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia infection, which triggers any and all of the following conditions of Sepsis, Embolisms, Multi-Organ Failures, heart attacks, etc. 

The Covid Pandemic was recreating the same scenario as the 1917-1918 Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia Pandemic (from Measles and Influenza), for which no Antibiotics were available until 1928 & 1938 first used to treat and cure Pneumonia. 

💡 WHY would, in 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Member of the US Government's Pandemic Preparedness Planning recommend "STOCKPILING ANTIBIOTICS" with regards to a future respiratory pathogen pandemic, especially when he knew that in 1917 that the Influenza Virus didn't kill during the 1917 Pandemic rather the Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia infection which was fatal, and Fauci acknowledged in a 2010 interview that the difference between the 1917 Pandemic and future Respiratory Disease Problems is that in 1917 the public didn't have "ACCESS" to Antivirals and ANTIBIOTICS to treat the Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia infection....WHY would Fauci recommend "STOCKPILING ANTIBIOTICS" in 2008 and 2010, and THEN allow President Barack Obama to write an Executive Order 13676, Federal Register # FR 51732, to control and restrict "ACCESS" to ANTIBIOTICS under the false pretenses (FEARS) over Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria that are based on fraudulent, manufactured CDC ESTIMATES from Census data ESTIMATES which are multiplied to create cases and deaths ESTIMATES of the Superbug Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria, which as of the CDC's 2022 Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria Report ESTIMATED 35,900, divided by 2 equals 17,950. 

☆☆☆ THREAD:  Obama's Executive Order 13676:



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